Use this page to upload and manage the following in FME Server:
- Workspaces
- Workspace templates
- Custom transformers
- Custom formats
In FME Server, these items are uploaded and organized into Repositories.
Uploading to FME Server

Note: Uploading data files, Database Connections , Web Connections, or packages associated with workspaces is not supported from FME Server.
To upload workspaces to FME Server with support for any of these features, use the Publish to FME Server wizard from FME Desktop Workbench. Alternatively, upload them separately using the tools in Files & Connections.
Note: When an existing workspace is re-uploaded, or republished from FME Server, workspace metrics do not reset automatically. If desired, reset them manually. For more information, see Working with Workspace Metrics and Metadata, below.
- Do one of the following:
- From the Workspaces page: Click Upload.
- From the Workspace Viewer: Select Upload from the menu.
- From any page: Drag and drop a workspace file directly onto the page.
- From any page, drag and drop a folder of workspaces directly onto the page.
- On the Uploading Folder dialog, provide a Repository Name, and click Upload.
- From the Workspaces page, open the repository you want to hold the new workspaces.
- Drag and drop a folder of workspaces directly onto the page.
- The Uploading Folder dialog opens and asks if you want to create a new repository for these workspaces. To proceed as intended, leave this box unchecked, and click Upload.
- Choose Repository: This dialog opens if you initiate an upload of a single workspace before opening a repository. Select the repository to hold the workspace and, if desired, edit the workspace name. Click Upload.
- Commit Workspace: If Version Control is enabled, you are asked to commit the file(s) to version control. To commit, enable the slider and write a commit message. If version control is disabled, this dialog informs you. (Following the current upload, you can always enable version control, initiate a new upload, and commit it to version control.) To proceed, click Confirm (For more information, see Working with Version Control, below.)
- Configure Services: Specify which FME Server Web Services the workspace runs. Expand a service to configure its properties when running the workspace, as follows:
- never: Disregard changes in the camera view
- onStop: Refresh the link n seconds after camera movement stops, where n is specified by View Refresh Time.
- onRequest: Refresh the link only when explicitly requested in Google Earth.
- onRegion: Refresh the link when the Region becomes active.
- onChange: Refresh when the KMZ file is loaded and whenever the Link parameters change.
- onInterval: Refresh every n seconds, where n is specified by View Refresh Interval.
- onExpire: Refresh when the expiration time is reached. If a fetched file has a NetworkLinkControl, the <expires> time takes precedence over expiration times specified in HTTP headers. If no <expires> time is specified, the HTTP max-age header is used, if present. If max-age is not present, the Expires HTTP header is used, if present.
- Click Confirm.
To upload a single workspace:
To create a repository from a folder of workspaces, and upload its contents:
To upload multiple workspaces from a folder, and place them into an existing repository:
Note: This dialog does not appear if you create a repository from a folder of workspaces, or upload multiple workspaces from a folder. To configure services for each workspace after upload, see Working with Workspace Metrics and Metadata (below).

Send HTTP Message Body to Reader
The reader feature type that receives HTTP content, in place of the actual dataset.
Note: This field does not specify the flow of notification data.
Include Writers in Download/Stream
The writer for outputting data after the workspace runs. If the workspace includes multiple writers, you may want to change the writer selected by default to one that is better configured for downloading or streaming data.
For example, consider a workspace with two writers. One writer inserts a single timestamp record into an Oracle table each time the workspace is run. The other writer supports downloading all of the data users want in AutoCAD. In this case, you will likely specify the AutoCAD writer as the desired output writer.
Note: This field does not specify the flow of notification data.

Network Link Name
Specify a name for the KML Network Link.
If 1, features are drawn in the Google Earth 3D viewer. Otherwise, specify 0.
Network Link Description
Provide a description for the KML Network Link.
View Refresh Mode
Specifies how the KML Network Link is refreshed when the Google Earth Camera view (that is, the viewer's location in space) changes.
View Refresh Time
If View Refresh Mode is onStop, specifies the number of seconds to wait before refreshing the view.
View Format
The format of the query string that is appended to the Link's <href> tag before the file is fetched.
Refresh Mode
Specifies a time-based refresh mode.
View Refresh Interval
If Refresh Mode is onInterval, specifies the number of seconds to wait before refreshing the view.
North, South
Specifies the latitude of the north and south edge of the bounding box, in decimal degrees from 0 to ±90.
East, West
Specifies the longitude of the east and west edge of the bounding box, in decimal degrees from 0 to ±180. (For overlays that overlap the meridian of 180° longitude, values can extend beyond that range.)
Minimum Level of Detail Pixels
Defines a square in screen space, with sides of the specified value in pixels. For example, 128 defines a square of 128 x 128 pixels. The region's bounding box must be larger than this square, and smaller than Maximum Level of Detail Pixels, in order for the Region to be active.
Maximum Level of Detail Pixels
Measurement in screen pixels that represents the maximum limit of the visibility range for a given Region. A value of −1 indicates "active to infinite size."
Working with Version Control

If Version Control is enabled, you can perform the following tasks on the Workspaces page:
To access the history of additions and changes to a repository, click History. On the History dialog, you can:
- View information about a revision, including the file name, the user who committed the addition or modification, and the date of the commit.
- Copy the SHA hash corresponding to a Git repository commit.
- Download a file version.
Tip: If you have configured version control with a remote Git repository, fetch the latest updates before browsing history (Version Control Manage permission required).
When viewing history, keep in mind the following:
- Downloading a file version does not replace your working copy of that file on FME Server. To update your working copy with a downloaded file, republish it to FME Server.
- The History dialog shows the history of deleted items in a repository, but it is not possible to view the history of repositories that have been deleted.
- To limit history to a single repository, check the box beside the repository you want to view. To limit history to a single file of a repository, open a repository and check the box beside the file you want to browse.
You can save individual file versions directly from the Workspaces page.
- Open a repository, and check the box beside the workspace to select it.
- Click Commit.
- In the Commit Item dialog, enter a Commit Comment, if desired, and click Commit.
To access the version of the workspace you committed, see Accessing Versions, above.
Working with Workspace Metrics and Metadata
You can view useful information about workspace performance, which can help you make important decisions about how to run workspaces, particularly when configuring Queue Control. To view workspace statistics, click on a repository name to open it.
The Workspaces page for a repository displays the following columns:

Note: Some fields do not display by default. To control which columns display, click the Customize Columns icon.
- Type: Type of FME module, Workspace or Template.
- Name: Name of the workspace.
- Files: Files associated with the workspace. Click to view individual file names and sizes, or to remove unwanted files.
- Last Updated: Timestamp when the workspace was last updated.
- Average % CPU: Average percentage of processing time that is recorded as CPU time, calculated as Average CPU Time / Average Elapsed Time.
- Average CPU Time: Average total CPU time to run the workspace. For more information about how CPU Time is measured, see the Completed jobs table.
- Average Elapsed Time: Average total processing time of the workspace.
- Average Peak Memory Usage: Average peak memory usage by the FME Engine while processing a job. For more information about how Peak Memory Usage is measured, see the Completed jobs table.
- Total Runs: The number of times the workspace has run since statistics were last reset.
Resetting Statistics
You may decide that, over time, statistics are outdated and do not reflect current conditions on your system. You can reset statistics so that they are calculated anew. Select one or more workspaces to reset, click Actions, and select Reset Statistics.
Note: Statistics must be reset manually. When an existing workspace is re-uploaded, or republished from FME Server, workspace metrics do not reset automatically.
WARNING: After statistics are reset, ensure workspaces are run enough times before applying a metric-based job routing rule to an applicable queue. For a metric-based job routing rule to take effect, the workspace must have run enough times since statistics are initially collected or reset to generate a statistically significant sample. The required minimum number of jobs to run for a significant sample may vary between 30 to 100, depending on variability of data and the degree of precision required by the rule (for example, minutes versus seconds). The more variable the input data, and the higher degree of precision that is required of this data, the larger the sample size that is required. If a job routing rule does not reference a statistically significant sample of jobs run, the next applicable rule takes effect, by priority, or the job routes to the Default queue.
Other Tasks

To create a repository
Click New. On the Create a New Repository page, provide a name and description for the new repository, and click OK.
To edit a repository description
Select a repository and click Edit. On the Editing Repository page, make your desired changes, and click Save Changes.
To share a repository
Click the Share with Others icon. Through sharing, you can grant levels of permissions on an item to other users. You can share an item if you own it, or if you are a user with Manage permission in Security, such as an administrator. For more information about sharing and ownership, see Role-Based and User-Based Access Control.
To change the job queue of a repository
If not explicitly assigned, repositories are assigned to the Default job queue. Under the Queue column, you can assign the repository to a different queue.
Note: You must have Manage permission in Engines & Licensing to change the job queue of a repository.
To remove a repository
Select one or more repositories and click Remove.