Automations allow you to design JSON messaging workflows that support a rich set of communication protocols. With a simple set of tools, you can leverage your FME Server to receive and send messages, and run workspaces on demand. This powerful combination allows you to control complex data flow patterns in your enterprise.
Automations are comprised of three primary components:
- Triggers: Listen for and receive messages from external clients or from within FME Server.
- External Actions: Send messages to external clients or inside FME Server.
- Actions: Process messages between triggers and external actions, either in an FME workspace, or through another tool.
Tip: You do not need an external message to run a workspace. You can schedule a workspace to run at specific times in the future with the Schedule trigger, or on demand with the Manual Trigger.
The example below illustrates a simple workflow comprised of a trigger that receives an email, an action to run a workspace, and an array of external actions that sends emails depending on the workspace results. An Email Received (IMAP) trigger sends messages to a Run Workspace action whenever an email from a specified IMAP server host is received. The workspace validates features in a file attached to the email, and reads features that pass validation into a database. The automation proceeds with separate Send an Email external actions based on the results of the validation in the Run Workspace action. One email sends details about features that passed validation and were read into the database, including details on feature type attributes. Another email sends details about features that failed validation. As well, two additional emails are sent depending on whether the workspace completed successfully or not. Finally, metadata about any Email Received triggers that fail to fetch emails is logged.
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Getting Started with Automations
Start a new Automations workflow from the Get Started, Build Automation, or Manage Automations page. (To use an existing automation as a starting point, select it from the Manage Automations page, click Actions > Duplicate, and open the duplicated automation.)
To start, one undefined Trigger and "Next Action" (which can be either an action or external action) are placed on the workflow area. As you continue to define the workflow, additional "Next Action" components are added.
Alternatively, to add additional components, expand . Double-click or click-and-drag from one of the applicable icons.
Tip: You can disable "guided mode" when building a workflow. Select Menu > Hide guides. To enable, select Menu > Show guides.
- Define Components
- Save, Name, and Tag the Workflow
- Start the Workflow
Define triggers, actions, and external actions, as desired.
Click the Save icon, or Select Menu > Save As. In the Save As dialog, specify a Name and one or more Tags (optional), and click OK.
Tip: If you have many workflows, use tags to organize them into meaningful categories. When viewing workflows on the Manage Automations page, you can filter on tags.
Workflows do not listen for incoming messages or run until you click Start Automation. Alternatively, you can start or stop workflows on the Manage Automations page.
Note: You cannot edit a workflow unless it is stopped. Click Stop Automation.