HTTP Request
The HTTP Request external action receives messages and posts HTTP requests to the specified URL.
The HTTP Request external action has two output ports. The success port (✔) can send a message if the request posts successfully. The failure port (x) can send a message if the request post fails.
Note: When Retry settings are configured, the failure port renders with a Retry Configured (⟳) icon.

Note: See also Working with Parameters in Automations Workflows.
- Request Type: The type of HTTP request: GET, DELETE, PUT, or POST.
- Target URL: The URL to which messages are delivered.
- HTTP Authentication User Name: The user name, if the target URL requires HTTP authentication.
- HTTP Authentication Password: The user password, if the target URL requires HTTP authentication.
- Accept Header: Format of the Accept request HTTP header: JSON (application/json), XML (applicaton/xml), or Text Text (text/plain). Alternatively, enter your own media type.
- Content Type: Format in which to deliver content: JSON (application/json), XML (applicaton/xml), or Text (text/plain). Alternatively, enter your own media type.
- Post to Topics(s) on Success/Failure: These fields apply only to a HTTP Request external action that is auto-created when an FME Workbench workspace is published to FME Server, registered to the Notification Service, and Topics are specified to which the workspace publishes notification content when a transformation succeeds or fails. In FME Workbench, these topics are specified on the Edit Service Properties dialog of the Publish to FME Server wizard, and also appear here.
- Verify SSL Certificate: If Yes, the connection to the specified Target URL is verified with a valid, signed SSL certificate. If No, the connection is not verified with an SSL certificate. This option is not secure and not recommended unless absolutely necessary, such as when using a self-signed certificate.
Note: To use a certification authority (CA) certificate for SSL authentication, see Importing a CA Certificate for SSL Connections.
- HTTP Body: The message body content. If specified, this message replaces the incoming message body.
Output Keys

See Also
Tip: To view the output keys from upstream components, click Show Upstream Keys.
Key | Description |
time | Event time |
source | Event type |
error.type |
(Failure port only) Error type:
error.message | (Failure port only) Error message |
http.status | Satus code |
http.headers | Response headers |
http.body | Response body |

- Retry on failure: If checked, the automation attempts to run the action again if the initial attempt results in a failure to connect to the specified external resource for message delivery. The manner in which these retries are conducted is based on the remaining settings.
- Use custom retry settings: If checked, the remaining retry settings are configurable. If not checked, they are set to the FME Server default values.
- Number of attempts: Maximum number of retries, if the action continues to fail.
- Wait between attempts: Time to wait between retries. In conjunction with Backoff multiplier (below), the specified value is the wait time for the first retry.
- Backoff multiplier: Factor by which to increase Wait between attempts on successive retries. For example, a value of 2.0 doubles the wait time for the next retry.
- Randomization factor: Percentage by which to introduce randomness to Wait between attempts. For example, if Wait between attempts is 100 Seconds, and Randomization factor is 25, the wait time for each retry is randomly selected between 75 and 125 seconds.
- Maximum wait between attempts: Maximum wait time between retries. In conjunction with Backoff multiplier, the specified value is the upper limit for wait time.